Friday, September 22, 2006

Life's lessons from last week

1. It takes a lot of strength to hurt the ones you love.

2. The more they leave you to mind your own business at work (and by "your on business" I mean official work assigned to you), the less important you are.

3. Some things are bigger than everything (disclaimer: plagiarized)

4. Sometimes, its nice to live a lie. To get lost in its comforting haziness, never having to face harsh reality.

5. Do not get lost in details, like the little kid who chases the colorful butterfly. Keep an eye on the bigger picture. Not only because you might get lost, also because you might miss that perfect sunset.


Sumit Sorde said...

Agreed..especially the second point is a recent lesson:)

vinaya said...

Sumit: Right! And the one time they did want me to mind what was not yet my business, i forgot :(

1. Surprisingly easy?? I'm coming to take lessons!
4. You are right, come to think of it. It is more always than sometimes.

Arjun Karande said...

Everybody's free (to blog their hearts out).

Hmm, that's what you meant by inspiration, huh? :)

vinaya said...


Arjun Karande said...

That song. Remember?

vinaya said...

Of course. But what does that have to do with inspiration?

Arjun Karande said...

The advice dispensed in that song is rather similar in nature to the gyaan dispensed in yours...

Hence, I figured you were inspired by the song to write something similar.


vinaya said...

Took my time, but finally got it :)
You accuse me of being inspired. Hmm, i dont know whether to be flattered or insulted :D

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