Sunday, August 29, 2004

Saw a foreign language film. Wihout any subtitles. Needless to say, didn't get a thing. The only two lines with subtitles were - "I give others hope. I keep none for myself".
The movie was called - "Lord of the rings - Return of the King". Maybe the name fooled me :(
I knew as much about the plot before watching the movie as i did after. And that is - There is this ring, and it is an evil one. And so, it needs to be put into fire. The ring obviously doesnt fancy such and end to its existence. Once in, and it would become a nameless, shapeless blob of metal. Or worse, thousands of nameless, shapeless blobs of metal. And so, it tries it damnest best to retain its name and shape. Tempts anyone and everyone who try to take it anywhere close to fire. Causes huge wars, huger books and hugest movies to be made. In the end ofcourse, as in all good stories, good triumphs over evil and the ring becomes a u-know-what.
Even with this extremely limited understanding, the movie was fun to watch. But, i still say, gimme a book over a movie, anyday.

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