Monday, June 21, 2004

On the other hand ....

From someone who in two years talked to exactly two people in her class ...
To someone for whom having a conversation isn't exactly an earth-shattering experience

From someone whose in meetings spoke ONLY when spoken to, and that too a yes or a no ...
To someone who sometimes gives opinions even without being asked

From someone who didn't even know what a pizza tasted like ...
To someone who has tried it all and can't stand anything other than desi stuff

From someone who was unbelievable overweight but didn't look it ...
To someone who is just plain overweight and looks it

From someone who was proud of jogging once around a football ground ...
To someone who can jog for 25 minutes and still say - "Yeh dil maange more"

From someone for whom snacks were incomplete without a second helping ...
To someone for whom only extreme hunger (which is not as rare as she'd like it to be) necessitates a second helping

From someone for whom dreams were dreams, not to be confused with reality ...
To someone who has the courage to convert some one her dreams to reality

Hmm, not bad, even if i do say so myself :)

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