Thursday, March 04, 2004

As far as direction sense goes, you really cant get much worse than me. Having lived in the same city for the past 20 odd years (no, I refuse to get more specific than that ;) ) one would expect me to somewhat know my way around the city. I was reminded how bad i was a few days ago, when i was returning home a little late in the night with a friend. He's been in the city for two years, and claims to have an equally bad sense of direction. And, he knew the way back as well as I did. Or rather, i knew as little as he did. Fortunately, he does not fall into the category of men for whom asking for directions is sacrilege. So, we reached home without too much of Pune-darshan.

The availability of people who can direct you is what spoils it all. I keep thinking - Why bother to remember the way, when you can always ask someone if you get lost ?
A little bit of ego is a good thing sometimes.

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