Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm back! Ideally, this post should stop with those two and a half words since i have absolutely no idea what i'm going to write. But of course it doesn't 'cause its not an ideal world. My PC crashed about a couple of weeks ago and since then the urge to write has been fighting the complete abscence of ideas. Who won is there for everyone to see. Presenting below, the spoils of war.
Hmm... well.... Oh yes! I got one! The surest way to make someone want something is to give it to them for a few days and then take it away. No matter how complete their life is without it, no matter how useless they think it to be, all that is needed is for them to give it a little space. And then, when you take it away, voila! there is a void! Genius, ain't it? I should become a sales manager one of these days.
Umm...what else? Nothing! Zilch. The urge might have won a battle, but the idea (or lack of it) won the war.


Arjun Karande said...


A (sleepy) project-mate's PC decided to blow up as well, didn't it?

Security lab <-> PCs blowing up... any correlation?

vinaya said...

Brilliant!! You hit it! It is a conspiray by "you-know-who" to make the security lab appear occupied, so as to give an illusion of work.
Fine by me... so long as no one peeks inside ;)

Anonymous said...

"you-know-who" is supposed to be a leader/guide of "dark" forces. Does this also apply here :P

vinaya said...

I really can't answer that question since i dont know anyone "guided" by you-know-who!

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