Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dark cloud. Black lining.

I complained about having to pay income tax, until i met a man with no income.

Look at the bright side, i told him, at least you dont have to file your returns.

Yes, the last day has come. Once again, having settled on do it yourself, i have not done it myself yet.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Work this week

1. N.O. No. Its just a two letter word. Say it. Seriously, how hard can it be?

2. Seeing what i might grow into, i all the more absolutely do not want to grow up.

To the universe in general: Stop with the signs already! Such obvious ones they are too. I'm not blind, you know. Whatever happened to subtlety, to hidden messages that people had to actually work to get to? I dont even like that book all that much.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Lessons for the day

When you are going on a trip:

Do. Not. Kill the one who says 5 minutes and takes 25. Do. Not. Kill the one who ditches early in the morning. A fine fool you'll look like when you find out later that he did it for excellent reasons. Do. Not. Kill the one who calls up when you are waiting on the road for 5 minutes to turn into 25 and asks - jaana hai kya aaj? Do. Not. Kill the one whose mood takes over early in the morning and decides no one is going anywhere. He will fight it and he will win. Do. Not. Kill the one who goes to sleep 4 hours before you are supposed to leave. Do. Not. Kill the one who thinks coffee is a good idea just 2 minutes before you reach to pick him up.

Cause then it would be just you, another punctual fool and the driver. Much fun that would be. Also because no matter how badly it all begins, the day makes up for it. Many times over.

You could of course kill the oaf who dropped the camera. You might want to find out, as an academic exercise, if that would be murder or suicide.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Guess who bangs her foot against the door and then apologizes to the foot?

Me. Or should it be We?
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